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Background and Overview

The University PC Refresh Program provides all eligible full-time employees a new laptop/desktop computer following a phased and scheduled approach. This program focuses on upgrading current hardware models along with a software refresh while placing a high level of importance on items such as security features, storage space, speed, mobility, and manageability.

PC Refresh Guidelines

The PC Refresh Program is designed for eligible full-time employee positions. The University manages the program cost and this initiative's purpose is to assure faculty/staff have the computing devices to meet the needs of their defined job duties.  

A variety of Windows 11 Dell or Apple MacBook models are available. 

Delivery will begin Summer/Fall 2023.

Software Installation

All Colleges and administrative departments are instructed to identify third-party applications and contact vendor for software upgrades and releases, especially since the Windows PC OS has changed to Windows 11.

- Third-party software needs to reinstalled and reconfigured by employee, IT Coordinator, or UNIT departmental liaison.


-Replacing monitors and local printers during the PC Refresh project is “out of scope”.

-The cost for replacing legacy computer monitors is incurred by each academic department.

-Once PC selections are completed, there are no “swaps,” unless a special case is warranted, presented, and approved by UNIT.

UNIT strives to provide University employee and the most effective and efficient training choices before, during, and after the University’s PC Refresh. Our training mission centers of the following key areas:

-Familiarity - Windows 11 Operating System

-Security - CrashPlan (computer to cloud backups), DUO for multifactor authentication, Global Protect (remote access VPN), and Carbon Black (malware protection)

Training and Online Guides

To support your training needs, online training is available via LinkedIn Learning for software applications that come standard on the University’s employee laptop models. For Windows PCs, modules for Windows 11 operating system and Microsoft Office 365 for Windows PCs are available.